Google has already boasted about the new look of Android Auto some time ago, as well as some features. These days, you should already have the update, but if you don’t have it yet, you’ll have to wait a while as the company is rolling it out in waves via a command over its servers. Now, however, a solution to a long-standing problem, or rather the absence of a basic feature, is emerging. In the past, Google Car has had issues with voice navigation, a poorly displayed dark mode, and a problem with a black screen when your smartphone is connected.
Android Car and Google Maps at the same time
If you use Android Auto via USB cable or wireless connection, you may have noticed that you can’t use Google Maps in the car and on your phone at the same time. In this case, Android Auto takes precedence. In order to use Google Maps on your phone, you had to disconnect the connection to your car.

However, some users have started reporting that they can already use both Android Auto and Google Maps on their phone. Even the 9to5google editorial team itself was able to run both things at the same time. However, based on user reactions, it looks like a gradual rollout of the news, or rather testing on a specific set of users. At the very least, you should have Google Maps v11.67.0701 and Android Auto v8.8.630424-release if you want to try out the new feature, but even then it’s not guaranteed that you’ll have it available now.
Google hasn’t commented yet, and it’s unclear if this is a beta feature, a finished solution or a bug. But hopefully they are introducing this option to use both apps, as the current state is quite limiting.
Dialing not working in Android Auto
Unfortunately, even minor updates to the default apps in the operating system can have unfortunate effects on connected services that Android Auto can be included in. A few months ago, a group of users stopped getting voice dialing through the car interface as a result. Google Assistant correctly identified the request, found the person and the phone number, but the actual dialing no longer occurred.

After disconnecting the phone from the vehicle, everything worked fine and so the blame was attributed to this add-on. Many users have reported the same behavior to Google over the past months. Unfortunately, even downgrading the version of Android Auto in use did not solve the problem. It was certain, among other things, that Google’s voice assistant must bear some share of the problem.
The developers in Mountain View have gone through the possible causes of the bug and released a new update to the key app directly with the name “Google”. As of version 13.36, the bug has already been fixed. Users who were limited by this bug should check their current version and update if necessary. For such a system application, however, an automatic background update should also occur.
Problem with location services in Android Car
Early last April, the first users started reporting a problem with location services. The problem was that if you started searching for the nearest gas station, it would display results near your home (if you have an address set on your phone) instead of displaying results based on your current location. A similar problem also happened with the weather, where it displayed the temperature near your home instead of your current location. Information about the bugs began to spread on Reddit and Google support forums. The bug with location services should be fixed by now.

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